Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Wait is Over

Thirteen years ago there was a team with Hardaway, Spreewell, Mullin, and Webber that took us to the playoffs. Now there's a new array of hungry ballers who have brought the Warriors into the NBA Playoffs once more. B. Davis, J. Rich, Jackson, Harrington, the young guys Biedrins and Ellis the quick. You even got MP Air France and Barnes coming off the bench hot. Each player knows their role on the court and for the team which has given them the oppurtunity to make it to the playoffs. It didnt come easy though playing tough teams towards the end of the season and fighting for the last playoff spot with the Clippers. This is well deserved for Don Nelson and the Warriors. This is gonna be an intense run as they take on Dallas in the first round where they won 5 out of the last 6 contests with them in postseason. Its the playoffs though, its gonna take major focus but i think these boys is ready. Warriors basketball is the most exciting basketball yet and them being in the playoffs is gonna be a great reason to get shit faced drunk and cheer them on! To the NBA: The BAY is IN the AREA bitches and we and ready to play!

Carlo "Easy C" Almazan

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